1.An inefficient tax system is a luxury the country might have been able to afford when the economy and tax receipts were healthier.
2.Dividend Tax System is always been one of the most interesting and controversial topics in the western academic world.
3.Whether and when legacy tax should be levied has been a hot question of the reform of the tax system in China.
4.If you think the tax system is unfair, blame the people who created it, not the financiers who took advantage of it.
5.One of the most lasting consequences would be to strike a blow to the concept of using the tax system to promote enterprise.
6.The attractive climate, high level of security, advantageous tax system and political stability make it a unique place !
7.Mr Cameron's wobble over the status of his pledge to recognise marriage in the tax system (itself a mistaken policy) was an unforced slip.
8.Creating conditions for the progressive realization of a unified urban and rural tax system is an important part of this strategy.
9.And the evidence from Europe suggests it's not a good idea to add a somewhat-bad tax like the VAT on top of a really bad tax system.
10.And by looking to see if the Congress sets up some kind of schedule for a new national tax system.